Friday, April 13, 2012

New York City

Our final stretch of our journey was visiting NYC. We stayed with friends whom I have not seen for about 20 years and they stayed in a place called Old Greenwich which is about 40 minutes from NYC.
It was great to see Sally and Bobby again and to meet their 2 girls.
The traffic was so bad and there was a long queue waiting at the toll road and we had not even enteres N.Y yet................
There were lots of bridges that we crossed.

Kent Island.

Getting closer to N.Y.

Just outside N.Y city, the traffic was unvbelievable!

The traffic brought us to a stop and even Tom Tom (G.P.S) was confused and lost us. Well, I panicked abut Phil kept his cool. He has done so well getting us around! Tom Tom has been such a help (except this time)
We arrived in old Greenwich and took a drive to the beach. It was across the way from N.Y city. It was a bit windy but beautiful all the same.
There were some really big houses in the area.
This is Bobby and Sally`s house.
Another huge house.

There were so many skyscrapers!
At the station. We toured the city on foot and then caught a water taxi to see the city from the water. It was spectacular!

The Intrepid is an aircraft carrier which served in World War 2 and Vietnam, making seven trips around the globe and surviving five kamikaze attacks and one torpedo strike. She then served as  a NASA astraunaut vessel before being retired in 1974. She is now docked on the Hudson River.

Can you see the aircrafts?

We were waiting for our water taxi. It was very windy that day and I hadn`t bought my jacket with me as the days had been so warm.
Here comes our taxi!!

The new Trade center being built. It is the tallest buidling in the photo and when it is complete, it will be the tallest building in the cirty after the Empire State building. It will have 104 floors.
The view from the water.
These peole were waiting for their water taxi`s but luckily, not ours! They were boarding the water city liners, which were HUGE boats.
Another stop at he harbour where we stopped to receive more passengers.

The Brooklyn Bridge which connected Manhatten to Brooklyn. It takes 40 minutes to walk across it.

The Brooklyn Bridge.
And finally, we came to the famous Green Lady. The staute of Liberty is on Liberty Island, near Ellis Island.
Murray has the statue in the palm of his hand!
Good Bye!
The 9/11 memorial. It had a North and South pool with the names of the deceased all around the walls. The oldest man to die was 85years old and the youngest to die was two years old. More than 400 were first responders who died performing their sworn duties. 2,977 people died in total. It was very sobering to be there.
At the South Pool.
Two very tierd boys after lots of walking and at the end of ther day!

More walking...................

China Town.

There were so many people! We have never been amongst so many people before. We all had to be alert and keep our wits about us - the boys had to make sure they stayed close all the time.
The train station - it was huge!
Murray had his photo taken especially for his friend Levi who loves anything to do with the military. Levi, this is for you - hope you see this!
And a tour of America is not complete without watching a baseball game! What a way to end our trip!Phil and the boys went to a baseball game with Bobby - what a high light for them! The NY Mets were playing against a team from Washinton D.C. It was such a highlight for the boys and Phil!

Hot chocolate from Duncan Doughnuts! That kept the chill out...........................
Wow - a night to be remembered!

What a great ending to our stay in New York! The boys LOVED the experience of going to their first baseball game, even though they didn`t know who the players were. We have done so much during our time in America - it has been such amazing fun, educational and inlightening! We will cherish the special people  and friends whom we met and the time we sepnt with friends from long ago. 

It has truely been even more than we ever had expected and we feel so inspired and enriched through all our experiences we have had.

We feel so blessed.
Thank you for travelling with us - we so appreciated all those who sent us comments and words of encouragement - it has mean`t a great deal to all of us!

The boys will write some final comments in the last post as we head off to Dubai in less than a few hours. Then we spend one night in Dubai and then we will be back in Zim on the 15th April.
Please pray for our safety and protection on our final leg of our journey - thanks so much!

God Bless!
All our Fondest Love
Phil, Mandi, Murray, Duncan and Luke

1 comment:

  1. I love re-living your adventures in this blog, dear Frosts. We have truly enjoyed sharing a slice of life with you, and we will continue to practice our "prop-ah" English, even saying "tah-tul" instead of tur-dul LOL

    Praying for safety, rest, and cherished memories of your time in America.

    With much love and hugs (hopefully only a few tears), Linda
