Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our Home in Zimbabwe

Our hearts are in Africa, our beloved country and home in Zimbabwe! We have had much political strife in the past 12 years but God continues to be faithful and we trust that He will continue to be with us, to be in control of all that happens in our lives! Whatever we have belongs to Him anyway so it is no use worrying about who is going to take our farm or house from us, that which actually really belongs to God anyway! We continue to trust in HIS ways and not our ways. 

Psalm 56:10-11 "In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise - in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?"

I have included photos of our life in Zimbabwe - our home, children and animals. It is a priviledged lifestyle to be able to live on a farm, to enjoy the wide open spaces, nature in the wild bush and all the animals.

 Duncan doing a balancing act in our Garden!
 A huge Bull Frog which Duncan found on the farm.
 Wild Flowers that are found in the natural bush.
 Our Garden.
 Duncan and Luke looking after the sheep.
 Our many dogs. When we left Zim, we left behind 7 dogs and 1 cat.

 Our garden has many rocks which the boys have climbed ever since they could walk.
 Murray, our 16 year old is responsible in filling up the farm vehicles with fuel. Having three boys on the farm is a great help and support to both Phil and myself!
 Duncan enjoying a swing which all the boys made.
 Duncan checking out the soya beans grown organically.
 Some of the many rocks enjoyed by all of us!
 Phil and Murray on the tractor.

 Rocko, our bird helping Luke out with his piano playing!
 A baby rabbit found in the bush after being deserted by its mother. Luke decides to take it into the school room with him.
 Our Home.

We keep praying for peace in our country and that all the political turmoil will come to an end. We continue to pray for all our freinds who live there, for their protection and that God will heal our land and heal our people! God has us in the palm of his hand. We just need to turn to Him, acknowledge who He is and experience a life of eternal peace.

Proverbs 29:25-27 "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the LORD that one gets justice.The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright."

I am preparing another post on "OUR FAVOURITE PLACES" we love to go to in Zim.....until next time!


  1. Hey Mandi, keep the blogs coming - we are following. We're all well - 25 days till Barbara is home!!

  2. Hi Da Greens! Great to hear from you! It will be wonderful when you are all re-united again! My blogs are slow but I really want to spend some time on writing more this weekend!
    Lots of love and love to all the family
